4 February, 1987 (~estimated)
Hamilton Avenue Housing Is Desperately Needed
To the editor of Town Topics:
As to the argument that Edouard Jordi and others keep raising about loss of so-called “open space” on Hamilton Avenue for the Borough’s housing plan:
- The Borough has arranged the housing in such a way that there will be about half a football field of linear open space along Hamilton Avenue, with the mature trees saved, on the lot.
- We will “lose” 120 linear feet of “visual open space” of a lot bought by the Borough, not for open space purposes but to extend Maple Street into Hamilton Avenue, a plan no longer contemplated by the Borough.
- The coverage by the housing will occupy 22% of the lot, as compared with the 30% lot coverage allowed, and largely exceeded, in the surrounding neighborhood.
The undersigned have been serving in the Princeton Fire Department all of our adult lives. We need housing here if we are to continue that service. The “price” of 120 linear feet of “open space” is surely minimal to the Borough when compared with the price that Borough residents would have to pay for a paid fire department if all the volunteers are forced out of town.
Patrick L. Root, captain, Engine Co. No. 1; Mike Boccanfuso, John Boccanfuso, Rick Cruzer, Jeff Hagadorn, Tim Allhouse, Joel Arrington and Pat McAvenia, members.
Kenneth M. Kendall, chief, Princeton Fire Department; Eric Karch, captain, Mercer Engine Co. No. 3; Ward Taggart and Ray Bianco, members.
Jeff Golomb, captain, Princeton Hook & Ladder; Robert K. Toole, Albert Pet-rella, Joe Meyers III, Alex Versfeld, Henry Tamasi, Gretchen Glas and Rick Glas, members.