Low Water Pressure In Town’s Hydrants Has Officials Worried

Town Topics

24 September, 1986

In Town’s Hydrants Has Officials Worried

A recent report by a nation-wide fire rating and underwriting firm says that low water pressure exists in a number of hydrants throughout the town.

Borough Councilman and Fire Commissioner Mark Freda said that the report, issued by ISO Commercial Risks of Mount Laurel, indicates there are a number of areas that have pressure and volume considerably less than required for firefighting purposes.

Among the hydrants showing the poorest results were ones at Cherry Hill and Red Hill roads, with 650 gallons per minute available when 2,250 were recommended by ISO; and at Edgerstoune and Winant, at the entrance to The Hun School, with 850 gallons when 3,000 were recommended.

According to Mr. Freda, Princeton Township had requested that the ISO come back, in the hope that recent work done by Elizabethtown Water Company would have improved water pressure. Fire insurance rates are based on the ISO rating. But the survey concluded. there was no improvement in the Township’s overall rating.

There is a potential for. a problem, said Mr. Freda. “If you use one hydrant and then move to another nearby, there may not be enough water. Trucks are fighting for water.”

Pumping Station Damaged.
In the past, he said, the Fire Department had police call Elizabethtown to ask them to boost the pressure if it were necessary. But a fire earlier in the year has badly damaged the pumping station off Alexander Road that had provided the boost. “As far as I know, the station is still. not repaired,” said Mr. Freda.

The Fire Department plans to schedule a meeting with the Elizabethtown Water Company to discuss the problem: After that, Mr. Freda says, Borough . and Township will have to sit . down with Elizabethtown and develop a plan to get the necessary amounts of pressure and volume when needed.

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